Dieses Video gibt Einblicke in die Veredelung von Bäumen. Der Baumexperte Clement Kumwenda zeigt, wie und warum ein Avocadobaum veredelt wird.
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Dieses Video gibt Einblicke in die Veredelung von Bäumen. Der Baumexperte Clement Kumwenda zeigt, wie und warum ein Avocadobaum veredelt wird.
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This video clip gives insights how we teach people to prepare their fields in a sustainable and God-honouring manner.
Mr. Saliuya, our Head of Agriculture, demonstrates and explains how to do it.
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This video clips explains how to make compost which can be used to grow vegetables and as a fertilizer for crops.
Instead of having to buy expensive fertilizer, compost has the ability to replace them. Mr. Saliuya shows how a heap of compost is made, what is required and how the decomposing process works.
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How to make Compost Read More »
This comprehensive video clip gives insights how trees are propagated and the purpose of the method. Mr. Kumwenda, our horticulturist, shows how are an avocado tree is being crafted.
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With the newly accredited Bachelor’s program “Theology/Development Studies”, the International University of Applied Sciences Liebenzell (IHL) offers its first program completely in English, starting in September 2023 (8 semesters/240 credit points).
This degree program combines the fields of development and humanitarian aid with theology, religious studies and interculturality.
B.A. Theology / Development Studies at IHL – University of Applied Sciences Read More »
Dieses Video gibt Einblicke, wie die Mitarbeiter von Dawn Trust Community Care (DTCC) den Menschen beibringen, ihre Felder auf nachhaltige Weise zu bestellen, die Gott ehrt.
Elias Saliuya, der Leiter des landwirtschaftlichen Bereiches, zeigt es und erklärt, worauf es ankommt.
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In diesem Video wird erklärt, wie man Kompost herstellt, der zum Anbau von Gemüse und als Dünger für Nutzpflanzen verwendet werden kann. Anstatt teure Düngemittel zu kaufen, kann Kompost diese ersetzen. Elias Saliuya zeigt, wie man einen Kompost macht, was benötigt wird und wie der Zersetzungsprozess funktioniert.
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Wie man Kompost herstellt Read More »
Kathy and Kevin Bruce live high in the mountains of northern Ecuador. They work as missionaries among the Awa population, sharing their lives with the people there, helping them practically and telling them about Jesus Christ. They are sent by Liebenzell Mission USA.
Kevin and Kathy Bruce in Ecuador Read More »
We love Christmas. Not because it’s a cosy time, everything is beautifully decorated and there are lots of presents. We love Christmas because our Saviour is born. He has made his way to us humans. No matter who we are, which taste we have or what music we love. His message is for all people. He has given us the greatest gift. That is why we dedicate this video to HIM.
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel [Country, Rock, EDM, Classic, Reggae – Medley] Read More »
Liebenzell Mission is an evangelical mission organization. It operates as a independent institution worldwide in non-denominational partnerships. It’s approximately 230 employees are deployed in 23 countries around the world. They establish Christian churches, provide training, are involved in medical and social projects and help in acute emergencies. As a non-profit organization, Liebenzell Mission is financed primarily by donations.
Liebenzell Mission (English, short version) Read More »
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