
Our faith, our values and our focus worldwide

Facts about Liebenzell Mission in English

On this page, you’ll find key infor­ma­ti­on about the work of the Lie­ben­zell Mis­si­on in Eng­lish. Just click through the FAQs to learn more about our visi­on, values, and glo­bal pro­jects. As an inter­na­tio­nal orga­niza­ti­on, we’re gra­teful to ser­ve with dedi­ca­ted co-workers and fri­ends world­wi­de, united in our com­mit­ment to God’s work. We  invi­te you to watch our fea­tured video and explo­re various e‑papers, which pro­vi­de deeper insight into our pro­jects and their impact. Join us on this jour­ney of faith and trans­for­ma­ti­on—every con­tri­bu­ti­on makes a difference!

Sie sehen gera­de einen Platz­hal­ter­in­halt von Vimeo. Um auf den eigent­li­chen Inhalt zuzu­grei­fen, kli­cken Sie auf die Schalt­flä­che unten. Bit­te beach­ten Sie, dass dabei Daten an Dritt­an­bie­ter wei­ter­ge­ge­ben werden.

Mehr Infor­ma­tio­nen

Liebenzell Mission

Our appro­xi­m­ate­ly 250 mis­sio­na­ries are at work on all con­ti­nents, in more than 20 count­ries. In remo­te are­as of Afri­ca, in the South Ame­ri­can high­lands or in metro­po­li­tan are­as such as Ber­lin and Tokyo. Under the mot­to “With God from per­son to per­son”, they pass on the Good News of Jesus Christ and help the dis­ad­van­ta­ged. Becau­se God sends and peo­p­le are clo­se to his heart.

As an evan­ge­li­cal mis­sio­na­ry and inde­pen­dent orga­ni­sa­ti­on, we finan­ce this work lar­ge­ly through dona­ti­ons. Our employees plant Chris­ti­an churches, pro­vi­de trai­ning, are invol­ved in social pro­jects and help in acu­te emer­gen­ci­es. 
We work on an inter­de­no­mi­na­tio­nal basis with more than 80 churches and orga­ni­sa­ti­ons world­wi­de. Long-term coope­ra­ti­on with local part­ners is important and valuable. That is why we also pro­vi­de regu­lar finan­cial sup­port to more than 200 local employees around the world. Our goal is for Chris­ti­an com­mu­ni­ties to emer­ge, beco­me inde­pen­dent and work for their neigh­bours in their envi­ron­ment. Living faith is our hall­mark. We are com­mit­ted to hel­ping peo­p­le who are in need – in children’s vil­la­ges and schools, but also in trai­ning and nut­ri­ti­on programmes.

We con­scious­ly pay atten­ti­on to the sus­tainable deve­lo­p­ment of our pro­jects. As a relia­ble Chris­ti­an part­ner, our employees have repea­ted­ly remain­ed on site in the past, even during dis­as­ters, shorta­ges or civil war situations.

Com­mit­ment to others was also important to the Eng­lish mis­sio­na­ry pio­neer James Hud­son Tay­lor. In 1899, he asked Pas­tor Hein­rich Coer­per to found a Ger­man branch of the Chi­na Inland Mis­si­on. This was the start­ing signal for our mis­sio­na­ry orga­ni­sa­ti­on – at that time still in Ham­burg. A few years later, Hein­rich Coer­per moved to Bad Lie­ben­zell in the Black Forest and we beca­me “Lie­ben­zell Mission”.

For us, world mis­si­on and edu­ca­ti­on have always belon­ged tog­e­ther. Young peo­p­le are the decis­i­on-makers of tomor­row. That is why we invest in them: The Inter­na­tio­nal Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sci­en­ces Lie­ben­zell (IHL) and the Inter­cul­tu­ral Theo­lo­gi­cal Aca­de­my (ITA) train well over 300 stu­dents – for mis­si­on, church and social ser­vices all over the world. With the impact pro­gram­me, young peo­p­le can do short assign­ments and vol­un­t­a­ry ser­vice world­wi­de with a disci­ple­ship programme.

We also include the Lie­ben­zell Mis­si­on Sis­ter­hood – a com­mu­ni­ty of life and faith. Alt­hough most of the mis­sio­na­ry sis­ters are reti­red, they are still who­le­he­ar­ted­ly com­mit­ted to the mission.

We want peo­p­le to expe­ri­ence good things in body, soul and spi­rit. That they encoun­ter life and God. The Chris­ti­an Guest Hou­ses Mon­bach­tal offer a good oppor­tu­ni­ty for this. They are sur­roun­ded by beau­tiful natu­re. Here, indi­vi­du­al guests or groups can relax, con­ti­nue their edu­ca­ti­on or get active.

If you would like to expe­ri­ence God’s won­derful world tog­e­ther with others, Lie­ben­zel­ler Mis­si­on Frei­zei­ten & Rei­sen – one of the lar­gest Chris­ti­an orga­nisers of group trips and camps in around 40 count­ries – is the right place for you.
We love encoun­ters. Ever­yo­ne is wel­co­me – to take a look behind the sce­nes or to attend our events. Every year, thou­sands come to mis­si­on fes­ti­vals, con­gres­ses, children’s and youth events or fol­low the events via live­stream. Con­tem­po­ra­ry media such as TV for­mats, apps and pod­casts open up new horizons.

We have peo­p­le in our sights – whe­ther the­re are many or just a few. Becau­se God’s love is for ever­yo­ne and gives hope, we are on the move around the world.

Lie­ben­zell Mis­si­on. With God from per­son to person.

Whe­re do you set the focus of your work? What moti­va­tes you? The­se are ques­ti­ons we keep hea­ring. And with justification.

The­re are count­less are­as of ope­ra­ti­on for mis­sio­na­ries world­wi­de. Working pro­fes­sio­nal­ly requi­res a con­cen­tra­ti­on on key are­as and focu­sing of the work.

Stra­te­gic Initia­ti­ve 1: Plan­ting Con­gre­ga­ti­ons
We plant con­gre­ga­ti­ons! For, young and old, rich and poor, locals and for­eig­ners should meet God in diver­si­ty and con­tri­bu­te to inte­gra­ti­on and recon­ci­lia­ti­on as bles­sed persons.

Stra­te­gic Initia­ti­ve 2: Ser­ving peo­p­le
For many peo­p­le, each day is a strugg­le for sur­vi­val. Local con­gre­ga­ti­ons beco­me rele­vant to their envi­ron­ment by mee­ting the needs of the peo­p­le. This is how Chris­ti­an faith beco­mes visi­ble.
Stra­te­gic Initia­ti­ve 3: Living the Part­ner­ship
We coope­ra­te clo­se­ly with over 60 part­ners abroad. Becau­se mis­si­on at eye level is important to us – influen­ced by com­mon aims and mutu­al lear­ning! Even in cri­sis, dis­as­ter, bot­t­len­ecks or civil wars we remain relia­ble partners.

Stra­te­gic Initia­ti­ve 4: Encou­ra­ging mis­si­on
We enable peo­p­le of dif­fe­rent cul­tures to act mis­sio­na­ry in their coun­try and all over the world! In a time when many peo­p­le have lost all per­spec­ti­ve, mis­si­on is more neces­sa­ry than ever. Becau­se mis­si­on means sal­va­ti­on, hope and multiplication.

The­re are two ways to beco­me a mis­sio­na­ry with us.

The clas­sic way
Get com­pre­hen­si­ve and com­pe­tent trai­ning for your minis­try as a mis­sio­na­ry with us in Bad Lie­ben­zell: Stu­dy at the Inter­na­tio­nal Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sci­en­ces Lie­ben­zell (IHL) or at the Inter­cul­tu­ral Theo­lo­gi­cal Aca­de­my (ITA). You will recei­ve a prac­ti­cal­ly ori­en­ta­ted cour­se of stu­dy that will also allow you to deve­lop as a per­son and a Chris­ti­an. Our inter­na­tio­nal­ly ori­en­ted stu­dy and life com­mu­ni­ty offers the ide­al basis for growth in your per­so­nal spi­ri­tu­al life and the for­ma­ti­on of a Christ-cent­red cha­rac­ter.
During your trai­ning, you will also com­ple­te intern­ships in churches and abroad. At the ITA, you will spend six months in Toron­to, which is con­side­red the most mul­ti­cul­tu­ral city in the world.

The path as a care­er chan­ger
If you have a degree or voca­tio­nal trai­ning, are suf­fi­ci­ent­ly invol­ved in a church and have a pas­si­on for other peo­p­le and cul­tures, you are in the right place with us as a care­er chan­ger. It is important that, in addi­ti­on to your pro­fes­sio­nal qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons, you can see yours­elf working in a church plan­ting or church work.


125 Years of Liebenzell Mission


Explo­re 125 years of faith, resi­li­ence, and glo­bal impact with Lie­ben­zell Mission’s anni­ver­sa­ry ePa­per! From inspi­ring sto­ries to mile­sto­nes that shaped our jour­ney, dive into the heart of our mis­si­on to bring hope world­wi­de. Cele­bra­te this lega­cy and be inspired—discover it all in the ePaper!

Liebenzell Mission • compact


Dis­co­ver the inspi­ring work of Lie­ben­zell Mis­si­on around the glo­be in our ePa­per! Learn about our values, world­wi­de part­ner­ships, and trans­for­ma­ti­ve pro­jects, from com­mu­ni­ty deve­lo­p­ment to church plan­ting. Dive into real sto­ries of hope and mis­si­on, and see how we’re making a dif­fe­rence through faith and action. Get inspi­red and be part of this jour­ney by explo­ring the ePa­per today!


Faith and values

  1. We belie­ve in God, the Father.
    We belie­ve that God crea­ted and sus­ta­ins the world and huma­ni­ty through his Word and has orda­i­ned and enab­led us for fel­low­ship with him and our fel­low humans.
    God has crea­ted every human being in his image (Gene­sis 1:26) and given them a digni­ty that can neither be lost nor dama­ged. This includes the unborn, weak, poor, dis­pla­ced, disen­fran­chised, sick, dis­ab­led, old, dying.
    We as human beings come to find and know our­sel­ves in the encoun­ter with our Crea­tor. We can­not crea­te our­sel­ves, nor give our­sel­ves mea­ning and pur­po­se. God has crea­ted human beings as men and women (Gene­sis 1:27) and inten­ded us for crea­ti­ve mutu­al care in life-long mar­ria­ge in the rela­tio­nal pola­ri­ty of male and fema­le (Matthew 19:3–9). God can also call to a life of sing­le­ness (Matthew 19:10–12; 1 Corin­thi­ans 7).
    God has crea­ted the world in a very good way, and has pur­po­sed us to cul­ti­va­te and care for it in respon­si­bi­li­ty befo­re God (Gene­sis 2:15). Sin­ce the Fall crea­ti­on waits for its redemp­ti­on on the Day of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:18–25), when God will crea­te a new hea­ven and a new earth (Reve­la­ti­on 21).
  2. We belie­ve in God, the Son.
    We belie­ve that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, whom the Father has sent into the world. In him he loved the world so that all who belie­ve in him will not peri­sh, but have eter­nal life (John 3:16).
    Every human being has been betray­ed, decei­ved, and bound by the power of sin in its mani­fold expres­si­ons (Romans 3:9–18). Sin shows its­elf as cul­pa­ble deed and tra­gic doom (Romans 5:12–21) in the lost rela­ti­onship with God and the cor­rupt­ed rela­ti­ons to other human beings, crea­ti­on and ones­elf (Gene­sis 4:1–11; Romans 1:18–32). Human efforts for edu­ca­ti­on and ena­blem­ent as well as the rene­wal of socie­tal struc­tures can­not free human beings from their ali­en­ati­on and bon­da­ge to sin (Mark 8:36). This occurs only through redemp­ti­on in Jesus Christ, our Lord. From this redemp­ti­on fol­lows the man­da­te to edu­ca­te, to capa­ci­ta­te, and to assu­me socie­tal, social, eco­lo­gi­cal and poli­ti­cal respon­si­bi­li­ty (Jere­mi­ah 29:7; Romans 13:1–7; 1 Peter 2:13–17).
    Jesus Christ, tru­ly God and tru­ly human being, is alo­ne the sal­va­ti­on of the world for all human beings (Acts 4:12). He recon­ci­led us with God through his sub­sti­tu­tio­nal ato­n­ing death on the cross (2 Corin­thi­ans 5:18f), for­gi­ves our sin, sends us into the world (John 17:18; 20:21), and libe­ra­tes us to live a life accor­ding to our divi­ne cal­ling. He is risen bodi­ly from the dead and will call all peo­p­le to resur­rec­tion on his Day, some to eter­nal life, others to jud­ge­ment (Dani­el 12:2; Reve­la­ti­on 20:11–15). Through Jesus Christ’s resur­rec­tion from the dead God gives us, alre­a­dy now, a living hope in the life of God’s king­dom (1 Peter 1:3).
    In Jesus, Israel’s Mes­siah, God has estab­lished the pro­mi­sed New Coven­ant with Isra­el, in which the Church, cal­led from among the nati­ons, is included (Jere­mi­ah 31:31; 1 Corin­thi­ans 11:25). The elec­tion of the Church of Jews and non-Jews does not replace the per­ma­nent elec­tion of Isra­el (Romans 11:17f). God hims­elf will let his peo­p­le Isra­el see the con­sum­ma­ti­on of sal­va­ti­on in Christ (cp. Romans 11:25ff).
    At the end of time Jesus Christ will return and rule with his church for all eter­ni­ty (Romans 5:17; 2 Timo­thy 2:12; Reve­la­ti­on 22:5).
  3. We belie­ve in God, the Holy Spi­rit.
    We belie­ve that the Holy Spi­rit was sent to us through the Father and the Son, that he makes us God’s child­ren by faith in Jesus Christ (Rom 8:14f), leads us into know­ledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:4), and sends us into the world to bear wit­ness to this truth in word and deed.
    God speaks to us through the Holy Scrip­tures and in them has reve­a­led to us his  cha­rac­ter, his will and his sal­vi­fic deeds in histo­ry. The Holy Scrip­tures of the Old and New Tes­ta­ments are, as a “living ser­mon of the Holy Spi­rit” (Con­fes­sio Virt­em­ber­gi­ca, art. 27), God’s true, inspi­red, relia­ble and trust­wor­t­hy Word (Psalm 93:5; Isai­ah 45:19; John 17:17; 2 Timo­thy 3:16). They are the only stan­dard for the faith, life, acti­vi­ty, and sal­va­ti­on of the church of Jesus and of every sin­gle per­son. In them God’s Word and human word is indi­vi­si­bly bound tog­e­ther. The unity and diver­si­ty of their tes­tim­o­ny find their cent­re in Jesus Christ. This Word pos­s­es­ses the power to crea­te, ori­ent, cor­rect, and renew (John 1:1; Hebrews 4:12; 11:3; James 1:18; Matthew 8:8; Psalms 119:105).
    The Church of Jesus Christ is the fel­low­ship of tho­se cal­led forth by God within a yet unre­de­e­med world (1 Peter 2:9). She is sent to live accor­ding to God’s will as salt of the earth and light of the world (Matthew 5:13–16) and to prai­se and wor­ship the tri­une God united­ly in cul­tu­ral, eth­nic, and natio­nal diver­si­ty (Romans 15:5f; Ephe­si­ans 1:12; Reve­la­ti­on 7:9f). The Holy Spi­rit calls each mem­ber of His Church to ser­ve and enables every mem­ber with various gifts  for the edi­fi­ca­ti­on of the Church (1 Corin­thi­ans 12).
    The Holy Spi­rit also equips the Church in times of per­se­cu­ti­on and gre­at distress with the strength to endu­re, per­se­ve­re and cling to the con­fes­si­on of hope (Hebrews 10:23). The gates of hell will not over­co­me her (Matthew 16:18). He leads the Church to inter­ce­de and helps her in pray­er.
    The Holy Spi­rit makes the Church a par­ti­ci­pant in God’s mis­si­on. In this sen­ding, the gos­pel is God’s power to save  all who belie­ve in Jesus Christ (Romans 1:16). The Holy Spi­rit enables us to con­fess Jesus Christ (1 Corin­thi­ans 12:3), to give account for the hope that is in us (1 Peter 3:15), and to go into all the world as his wit­nesses, in order to make peo­p­le his disci­ples (Matthew 28:18–20).
    Through the Holy Spi­rit Jesus calls his world­wi­de Church to unity in col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve ser­vice and com­ple­men­ta­ry part­ner­ship. He gui­des her on her way through time to the con­sum­ma­ti­on of histo­ry in God’s new creation.

Rati­fied by the Gene­ral Assem­by of the Lie­ben­zell Mis­si­on on Decem­ber 8, 2017.

As Lie­ben­zell Mis­si­on, the­se values are important to us:

  1. Trus­ting God We live in trust in God. From him we recei­ve cau­se and gifts for our mis­si­on. In ever­y­thing we do, we ask for His gui­dance and pro­vi­si­on and we count on His inter­ven­ti­on and the power of His Spirit.
  2. Loyal­ty to the Word of God We rely on the Bible as God’s true, inspi­red, relia­ble and trust­wor­t­hy Word. The Holy Bible is the sole stan­dard for faith, life and action.
  3. Ser­ving atti­tu­de We work as fol­lo­wers of Jesus Christ in a ser­vant atti­tu­de towards God and our neigh­bor. We are not afraid to make sacri­fices. We want to respect the other per­son more high­ly than our­sel­ves and do our ser­vice to and with one another.
  4. App­re­cia­ti­on We want to think and talk well of each other and ack­now­ledge and value each other in our dif­fe­ren­ces. At the same time we help each other with open, honest and con­s­truc­ti­ve criticism.
  5. Qua­li­ty We want to do our job pro­per­ly. To do so, we pro­ceed in a plan­ned and con­sis­tent man­ner. We con­ti­nuous­ly review and impro­ve our actions. We want to attract com­pe­tent employees, deploy them in a gift-ori­en­ted man­ner and deve­lop them further.
  6. Com­pe­tence We want to enable peo­p­le and churches to ser­ve and pro­mo­te the growth of spi­ri­tu­al per­so­na­li­ties so that they take respon­si­bi­li­ty and give orientation.
  7. Future ori­en­ta­ti­on We ask about the rele­van­ce of our work for the future of the con­gre­ga­ti­on and this world and take neces­sa­ry steps cou­ra­ge­ous­ly in faith. We do this in the hope of God’s coming kingdom.

In all our thoughts and actions we are awa­re that God’s bles­sing is everything. 

Theo­lo­gi­cal edu­ca­ti­on and world mis­si­on have always been clo­se­ly con­nec­ted in Bad Lie­ben­zell. About 100 years ago Hil­da von Diest dona­ted a lar­ge area of land to Lie­ben­zell mis­si­on, on the con­di­ti­on that “mis­si­on trai­nees” be edu­ca­ted as long as the mis­si­on exists. This meant stu­dents of theo­lo­gy, who would later work as mis­sio­na­ries all over the world. This prin­ci­ple still holds true today. In recent years, the num­ber of our stu­dents has increased rapidly. Young peo­p­le are the decis­i­on makers of tomor­row. That’s why we rely on them. The Inter­na­tio­na­le Hoch­schu­le Lie­ben­zell and the Inter­kul­tu­rel­le Theo­lo­gi­sche Aka­de­mie train young adults – for mis­si­on, con­gre­ga­ti­on and social ser­vices all over the world. The stu­dy and living com­mu­ni­ty encou­ra­ges the cha­rac­ter and spi­ri­tu­al deve­lo­p­ment as well as the social and prac­ti­cal com­pe­tence of the students. 

Inter­na­tio­nal Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sci­en­ces Lie­ben­zell (IHL)
Our uni­que, inno­va­ti­ve and inter­cul­tu­ral stu­dy pro­gram­me – what makes stu­dy­ing with us so special.

Stu­dy­ing at the Inter­na­tio­nal Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sci­en­ces Lie­ben­zell (IHL) can be one of the most exci­ting, inten­si­ve and for­ma­ti­ve peri­ods of a young person’s life! Our inno­va­ti­ve and inter­cul­tu­ral­ly ori­en­ta­ted stu­dy pro­gram­me is desi­gned to enable peo­p­le to pass on the good news of Jesus Christ in the dif­fe­rent con­texts and cul­tures of this world.

IHL offers six prac­ti­cal and rele­vant degree programmes:

  • B.A. Pro­tes­tant Theology
  • B.A. Theo­lo­gy / Social Work in an Inter­cul­tu­ral Context
  • B.A. Theo­lo­gy / Pedago­gy in an inter­cul­tu­ral context
  • B.A. Theology/Development Stu­dies (Eng­lish-lan­guage)
  • M.A. Pro­tes­tant Theology
  • M.A. Theo­lo­gy – Com­mu­ni­ty – World Christianity

In 2011, IHL was accre­di­ted by the Sci­ence Coun­cil of the Fede­ral Repu­blic of Ger­ma­ny and reco­g­nis­ed by the sta­te of Baden-Württemberg.

Inter­cul­tu­ral Theo­lo­gi­cal Aca­de­my (ITA)
Why ITA? Becau­se ITA!

Do you aspi­re to give your life ful­ly to God and are you loo­king for a way to prepa­re yours­elf for this? Do you want to bring the Good News to peo­p­le in Ger­ma­ny and around the world and help them to suc­ceed in life? Are you loo­king for a trai­ning pro­gram­me that is ancho­red in theo­ry but also includes a lot of prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence? Then the Inter­cul­tu­ral Theo­lo­gi­cal Aca­de­my (ITA) is the per­fect place for you!

Pos­si­ble degrees:
The choice is yours. In addi­ti­on to your degree as a church assistant, you can also obtain a reco­g­nis­ed Bachelor’s degree.

1. Bache­lor of Arts – Bible and Theo­lo­gy via the Ger­man Net­work Office of Glo­bal Uni­ver­si­ty, USA (GU) ­– the ICI Inter­na­tio­nal Cor­re­spon­dence Insti­tu­te (pos­si­ble with and wit­hout a uni­ver­si­ty ent­rance qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on). (www.ici-germany.de)
2. Bache­lor of Arts – Theo­lo­gy / Pedago­gy in an inter­cul­tu­ral con­text at the Inter­na­tio­nal Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sci­en­ces Lie­ben­zell (IHL) (only pos­si­ble with a uni­ver­si­ty ent­rance qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on).(www.ihl.eu)

Due to the addi­tio­nal employ­ment in a church, only the Bache­lor of Arts – Bible and Theo­lo­gy is pos­si­ble in this for­mat via the Ger­man Net­work Office of the Glo­bal Uni­ver­si­ty, USA (GU) – the ICI Inter­na­tio­nal Cor­re­spon­dence Insti­tu­te (with and wit­hout uni­ver­si­ty ent­rance qualification).

Einsatzländer der Liebenzeller Mission


  • Num­ber of mis­sio­na­ries: 3
  • Start of minis­try in the coun­try: 2001
  • Focus of work: com­mu­ni­ty work, extra­cur­ri­cu­lar theo­lo­gi­cal edu­ca­ti­on (TEE)
1 of 19


  • Num­ber of mis­sio­na­ries: 11
  • Start of minis­try in the coun­try: 1966
  • Focus of work: church deve­lo­p­ment, evan­ge­lism among immi­grants, pre­pa­ra­ti­on of missionaries
2 of 19


  • Num­ber of mis­sio­na­ries: 1
  • Start of minis­try in the coun­try: 2005
  • Focus of work: medi­cal work, trai­ning of spe­cia­lists, evangelism
3 of 19

United Sta­tes

  • Num­ber of mis­sio­na­ries: 15
  • Start of minis­try in the coun­try: 1941
  • Focus of work: mis­si­on mobi­liza­ti­on, minis­try trai­ning, evan­ge­lism among immigrants
4 of 19


  • Num­ber of mis­sio­na­ries: 5
  • Start of minis­try in the coun­try: 1974
  • Focus of work: children’s vil­la­ges and Chris­ti­an schools, extra­cur­ri­cu­lar theo­lo­gi­cal trai­ning (TEE)
5 of 19


  • Num­ber of mis­sio­na­ries: 6
  • Start of minis­try in the coun­try: 1992
  • Focus of work: church plan­ting, church deve­lo­p­ment, minis­try trai­ning and theo­lo­gi­cal education
6 of 19


  • Num­ber of mis­sio­na­ries: 2
  • Start of minis­try in the coun­try: 2017
  • Focus of work: mis­si­on mobi­liza­ti­on among South Americans
7 of 19


  • Num­ber of mis­sio­na­ries: 78
  • Start of minis­try in the coun­try: 1913
  • Focus of work: church plan­ting, Chris­ti­an com­mu­ni­ty deve­lo­p­ment among child­ren and
    youth, inter­cul­tu­ral work, evan­ge­lism, disci­ple­ship, mis­si­on mobilization
8 of 19



  • Num­ber of mis­sio­na­ries: 16
  • Start of minis­try in the coun­try: 1989
  • Focus of work: church plan­ting, evan­ge­lism, theo­lo­gi­cal edu­ca­ti­on, minis­try trai­ning, disci­ple­ship, Chris­ti­an com­mu­ni­ty deve­lo­p­ment among child­ren and women
9 of 19


  • Num­ber of mis­sio­na­ries: 11
  • Start of minis­try in the coun­try: 1987
  • Focus of work: church plan­ting and church buil­ding, staff training
10 of 19


  • Num­ber of mis­sio­na­ries: 13
  • Start of minis­try in the coun­try: 1927
  • Focus of work: church plan­ting, church deve­lo­p­ment, discipleship
11 of 19



  • Num­ber of mis­sio­na­ries: 14
  • Start of minis­try in the coun­try: 1992
  • Focus of work: Chris­ti­an com­mu­ni­ty deve­lo­p­ment, vil­la­ge deve­lo­p­ment with kin­der­gar­ten and school, sup­port for theo­lo­gi­cal and craft trai­ning, youth work, minis­try trai­ning, radio ministry
12 of 19


  • Num­ber of mis­sio­na­ries: 6
  • Start of minis­try in the coun­try: 1906
  • Focus of work: theo­lo­gi­cal edu­ca­ti­on, mis­si­on mobilization
13 of 19

Papua New Guinea

  • Num­ber of mis­sio­na­ries: 12
  • Start of minis­try in the coun­try: 1914
  • Focus of work: Chris­ti­an com­mu­ni­ty deve­lo­p­ment among child­ren and young peo­p­le in soci­al­ly dis­ad­van­ta­ged are­as, theo­lo­gi­cal edu­ca­ti­on and trai­ning, mis­sio­na­ry work in the bush
14 of 19


  • Num­ber of mis­sio­na­ries: 23
  • Start of minis­try in the coun­try: 1985
  • Focus of work: church plan­ting, church deve­lo­p­ment, disci­ple­ship, Chris­ti­an com­mu­ni­ty deve­lo­p­ment among child­ren and young peo­p­le with school, theo­lo­gi­cal and agri­cul­tu­ral training
15 of 19


  • Num­ber of mis­sio­na­ries: 13
  • Start of minis­try in the coun­try: 1996
  • Focus of work: church plan­ting and church buil­ding, staff trai­ning, discipleship
16 of 19


  • Num­ber of mis­sio­na­ries: 1
  • Start of minis­try in the coun­try: 2005
  • Focus of work: com­mu­ni­ty and youth work, extra­cur­ri­cu­lar theo­lo­gi­cal trai­ning (TEE)
17 of 19


  • Num­ber of mis­sio­na­ries: 2
  • Start of minis­try in the coun­try: 1984
  • Focus of work: disci­ple­ship, work with child­ren and young peo­p­le, mis­sio­na­ry sports work
18 of 19


  • Num­ber of mis­sio­na­ries: 2
  • Start of minis­try in the coun­try: 2022
  • Focus of work: disci­ple­ship, mis­si­on mobi­liza­ti­on, buil­ding and sup­port­ing local networks
19 of 19

Management Team

Let’s get to know each other.

Dave Jar­setz, Mis­si­on Direc­tor, Prof. Dr. Vol­ker Gäck­le, Rec­tor of the Inter­na­tio­nal Uni­ver­si­ty of Lie­ben­zell, and Tho­mas Haid, Com­mer­cial Direc­tor, lead the Lie­ben­zell Mis­si­on. For ques­ti­ons, sug­ges­ti­ons, or simi­lar inqui­ries, feel free to cont­act Chris­toph Kiess, Head of Public Rela­ti­ons, or Alex­an­der Bisk­up, Assistant to the Mis­si­on Director.

Yesterday and today

A start in Ham­burg, a mis­sio­na­ry pio­neer with a major task, a per­se­ve­ring pray­ing sis­ter and a pas­tor with visi­on and heart. The­se are the “ingre­di­ents” for the sto­ry about the begin­ning of the Lie­ben­zell Mission.

Hein­rich Coer­per
A foun­der who shaped his mis­si­on orga­niza­ti­on.
Wit­hout him, Lie­ben­zell Mis­si­on would not have come into being like this: Pas­tor Hein­rich Coer­per (1863–1936). The foun­der of the Eng­lish Chi­na Inland Mis­si­on (CIM), James Hud­son Tay­lor, approa­ched Hein­rich Coer­per with a request: A Ger­man branch of the Eng­lish mis­si­on orga­niza­ti­on should be estab­lished. Hein­rich Coer­per agreed and on Novem­ber 13th, 1899 the new orga­niza­ti­on was foun­ded in Ham­burg. After the orga­niza­ti­on lost it‘s home in Ham­burg in 1902, Hein­rich Coer­per moved to Bad Lie­ben­zell. The­re, for years, the dea­co­ness Lina Stahl had asked for the Schloss­berg to beco­me a “fire-breathing moun­tain” from which the Gos­pel would spread into the who­le world. In 1906 the young mis­si­on offi­ci­al­ly took the name of it‘s new home: The Ger­man branch of the Chi­na Inland Mis­si­on beca­me “Lie­ben­zel­ler Mis­si­on”. Hein­rich Coer­per had a signi­fi­cant influence on Lie­ben­zell Mis­si­on and stood at the head of the work until short­ly befo­re his death. Today the Mis­si­ons­berg is the head­quar­ters for mis­sio­na­ry work all over the world.

Lina Stahl
Ele­ven years of pray­er by a dea­co­ness have far-rea­ching con­se­quen­ces
A “fire-breathing moun­tain” in the midd­le of the Black Forest: Dea­co­ness Lina Stahl has been pray­ing for it for ele­ven years sin­ce 1891. From the Schloss­berg in Bad Lie­ben­zell the gos­pel is to be spread all over the world. The daugh­ter of a Swa­bi­an pas­tor took care of the sis­ters the­re, who were in poor health. She beg­ins to pray for this moun­tain to “be total­ly the­re for the Saviour” and beco­me a place from which faith spreads like wild­fi­re around the world. And in 1902, God heard her pray­er: After the Ger­man branch of the Chi­na Inland Mis­si­on, foun­ded in 1899, lost it‘s home in Ham­burg, the Sis­ter invi­ted Pas­tor Hein­rich Coer­per, to move to the small town in the Black Forest. And so the Schloss­berg beca­me a “fire-breathing moun­tain”, as reques­ted by Sis­ter Lina Stahl. Wit­hout her, the Lie­ben­zell Mis­si­on would not be imaginable.

The Black Forest town of Bad Lie­ben­zell has been our home for around 125 years. From small begin­nings a lot has deve­lo­ped. Many peo­p­le have recei­ved impul­ses for their lives during the many mis­sio­na­ry fes­ti­vals. Every year about 40,000 child­ren, young peo­p­le, adults and seni­ors are our guests. We are a insti­tu­ti­on for all gene­ra­ti­ons! Our Sis­ter­hood lives only a few steps away from the stu­dents. They are all at home on the Mis­si­ons­berg – just like our employees and trai­nees. They are com­mit­ted to ensu­ring that our mis­sio­na­ries around the world can con­cen­tra­te on their actu­al work.
It is our aim to trans­form the Mis­si­ons­berg into an inter­na­tio­nal, spi­ri­tu­al cent­re, whe­re peo­p­le of dif­fe­rent cul­tures and nati­ons expe­ri­ence God and fel­low­ship. Roo­ted in the Black Forest, at home in the world.

The head­quar­ter of Lie­ben­zell Mis­si­on is in Ger­ma­ny. But the­re are also inde­pen­dent bran­ches of Lie­ben­zell Mis­si­on in seve­ral count­ries world­wi­de. They are part of the net­work “Lie­ben­zell Mis­si­on Inter­na­tio­nal”. Many of the­se bran­ches send mis­sio­na­ries them­sel­ves, who then often work in inter­na­tio­nal teams. The net­work Lie­ben­zell Mis­si­on Inter­na­tio­nal includes:

LM Cana­da
LM Switz­er­land + Lich­ten­stein
LM Aus­tria
LM Hun­ga­ry
LM Japan

It is won­derful to be an “inter­na­tio­nal fami­ly”, working for the peo­p­le worldwide. 

Rooted in the Black Forest, at home in the world

Bad Lie­ben­zell has been the home of Lie­ben­zell Mis­si­on sin­ce 1902. The ten-hec­ta­re site with the Lie­ben­zell Mis­si­on head­quar­ters is known as the “Mis­si­on Moun­tain”. Church ser­vices and other events take place here. In addi­ti­on to office buil­dings and work­shops, the Inter­na­tio­nal Uni­ver­si­ty, the Inter­cul­tu­ral Theo­lo­gi­cal Aca­de­my, the Sis­ter­hood, the ALPHA book­shop and the trips and tra­vel faci­li­ty as well as other are­as of work have their home here. It is pos­si­ble to dis­co­ver the “Mis­si­on Moun­tain” in a varie­ty of ways. From a vir­tu­al 360° pan­ora­ma, to impres­si­ons, brief infor­ma­ti­on, an insight into the histo­ry of the buil­ding and per­so­nal­ly gui­ded tours that pro­vi­de inte­res­t­ing insights into the work and goals of Lie­ben­zell Mission.


Each week our cur­rent pray­er requests are sent by e‑mail. If you would like to be on the mai­ling list, plea­se cont­act mission@liebenzell.org.

If you wish to sup­port us finan­ci­al­ly, plea­se trans­fer your dona­ti­ons to the fol­lo­wing account, or sim­ply use the dona­ti­on form below.

Reci­pi­ent: Lie­ben­zell Mis­si­on
Bank: Spar­kas­se Pforz­heim Calw
IBAN Code: DE27 6665 0085 0003 3002 34

Plea­se spe­ci­fy the pur­po­se of your dona­ti­on.
Thank you very much.


Alexander Biskup

Assistant to the Mis­si­on Director

Lio­bastr. 17
75378 Bad Liebenzell

Pho­ne: +49 7052 17–7106
E‑Mail: mission@liebenzell.org

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