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O Come, O Come, Emmanuel [Country, Rock, EDM, Classic, Reggae – Medley]

We love Christmas. Not because it's a cosy time, everything is beautifully decorated and there are lots of presents. We love Christmas because our Saviour is born. He has made his way to us humans. No matter who we are, which taste we have or what music we love. His message is for all people. He has given us the greatest gift. That is why we dedicate this video to HIM.

360°-Virtual Reality Videos / Panoramen

Fast so, als wär man da!

Erlebt den Missionsberg in Bad Liebenzell in völlig neuer 360°-Perspektive. Kommt mit in die Räumlichkeiten der Hochschule und Akademie, in unseren großen Gottesdienstsaal und werft einen Blick in eine Studi-WG. Viel Spaß dabei!


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